Hello! Cum stă treaba? Yesterday I snacked on the seasonal Pumpkin Chobani and did NOT like it. I just thought it wasn’t sweet or pumpkin spicy enough. Boo. (I liked the Watermelon Chobani though!) Cele mai noi videoclipuri ale mele Marathon training Day 3 Marathon training video diary – day 3. Running journal check in …
Enchilada Casserole and FAT Tuesday!
Okay, let’s go back to yesterday for a minute when I went grocery shopping and scored this case of seltzer at smart Co. And I made salsa chicken in the crockpot. But, I make this fairly typically so I chose to use the meat for chicken enchilada casserole. in some cases my grandma would make …
I’m buying You Pizza– fun Instagram Giveaway
I’ve been getting a lot of requests lately to do a meet-up at races or plan a group run for all Run eat Repeaters. love the idea! but I can’t plan anything until after all my videos with Hyland’s Powered covering the Boston Marathon team are done. (Read as: not until June if my schedule …
Pile pe Miles 2017 – Day 12 – Podcast 39
Audio Player 00:00 00:00 00:00 Podcast: Joacă în fereastră nouă | Descarca Abonați -vă: podcast -uri Apple | Podcast -uri Google | Stitcher | RSS Cele mai noi videoclipuri ale mele Frumosul meu soț din Pysch Ward: A Memoir – Recenzie de carte Frumosul meu soț din Pysch Ward: o memorie de Mark Lukach Evaluarea …
Gluten free Banana Choc Chip Muffins review
Hello! Cum stă treaba? vegas says ‘what’s up?’. My legs were super dragging on my run yesterday so I knew it was time for a rest day. Actually, Thursdays are usually my rest day so this worked out great. MY latest VIDEOS I got A Covid-19 Test Getting a Coronavirus test – how it works, …
Dogs lower Blood pressure
I busted out a quick strength workout after my morning client. It was this jam: Alt. Rows Chest flys on ball Skull Crushers face Smashers Close hand DB press BB chest Press Reverse Fly Then, I got a quick eyebrow wax (my gym has a small spa) and ate a pumpkin protein bar. MY newest …
Treadmill shower Shark storage tank as well as Are Lunch Dates… dates?
Buna ziua! Cum stă treaba? just inspecting in with my preferred running as well as eating from this weekend! Ce faci? First… Running! MY newest VIDEOS 4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners Antrenament în picioare pe care îl puteți face acasă. Fără dispozitive de bază pe care le puteți face în picioare înainte sau …
BEST gifts for Runners
Hello! My name is Monican and I am a runner. I have kept an eye, ear and foot out all year for the best Running Gifts, gadgets and gear for the runner in your life. Cele mai noi videoclipuri ale mele Ce mănânc într -o zi – Runner Edition Ce am mâncat într -o zi. …
Dome party and Sunday set Up
Hello! I’m taking a break from Sunday set up to say hello and see what’s up on the Internet machine. Last night I went to a party in a dome. Da. Like, someone I know MADE this dome over the weekend. That’s the garage in the background to the left – this thing is BIG!! …
How Not to fashion blog
I just got a new StitchFix shipment as well as I’m super excited to pretend to be a fashion blog writer for a minute. Per usual I did whatever wrong with this attempt to be awesome since I broke all the rules of fashion blogging: Rules of fashion Blogging: Rule 1. Take photos somewhere outside, …